My first experience with B&B Competition Char Logs was at my first Memphis in May BBQ Competition, summer 2019. I was the freelance photographer & general helper guy for Boars Night Out Championship BBQ Team.

The B&B Competition Char Logs are organic hardwood charcoal logs that burn hot and long. They are uniform in size with a hole through the middle for air flow, thus allowing for an extremely hot fire. 700-900 degrees.

I’ve been using a chimney starter, where I cheat a bit to light it up by putting it on my propane burner; I do this for all charcoal since I’m a bit impatient and don’t want to wait for the charcoal to get to temperature. Also note, when putting charcoal on the grate, I like to have part of the grill without charcoal under it, allowing me to move from direct heat to indirect heat.

You can get this at your local Ace Hardware, where they will order it for you and ship it free to their store.